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This club started its journey in November 2021 by a bunch of enthusiastic youngsters with the intention to educate stakeholders about various tools and products related to IT and Analytics in desired specialization domains. Through a democratic vote the club was rebranded as INFOVERSE.


In INFOVERSE, they wish to give their fellow students an orientation on various IT related topics and help them in using various analytical software which can help their fellow students in the future through their specialization and later in their career. As you may know Covid-19 has forced industries to digitize their work and work from home being the new norm. As the next managers and entrepreneurs, they have to be prepared for this transition. With the recent rise in web 3.0 and industrial revolution 4.0, the students of School of Management Studies (CUSAT), as one of the best MBA colleges in Kerala decided that they have to adapt themselves according to the times and strike while the iron is hot.


The INFOVERSE Club provides students with opportunities to discuss various IT and Analytics related topics outside the classroom in order to create a greater appreciation for and understanding of technology. In addition to their own education, InfoVerse Club members strive to educate the masses on the use of technology.

Activities in store for the world include:

  • Webinars
  • Workshops
  • Helping other clubs through various collaborations
  • Active Venue to share ideas via Discord
  • 5. Educating the future MBA graduates about various IT and Analytical tools like MS Office, SPSS, Canva etc.

Contact Info

School of Management Studies,
CUSAT Main Campus,
Cochin University Post,
Kerala - 682 022, INDIA

+91 484 2575310
+91 484 2575096

Social Info

Date: 11th January 2022 (6:30 - 8:00 PM)
Event: Predict the Future (Webinar)
Speaker: Mr. Siljith Kandyil
Speaker’s Designations: Senior Director, Global Strategy (APAC Operations | Insourcing | Digital Marketer)

Key Notes: The session was a gateway into the world of analytics and its importance in the business world. The session focused on the following points
a. Importance of data
b. Different types of data
c. How much data is produced?
d. What all tools that are used for data collection and Business analytics
e. What are the Career Opportunities?

Date: 8th February, 2022 (6:30 - 7:00 PM)
Event: WORLD OF EXCEL (Webinar)
Speaker: Speaker: Mr. JOMON JOSEPH
Speaker&rsquo's Designations: CEO OF THE STRATEGIST, COCHIN (Data Analytics | Consulting | Training)

Key Notes: The session was a gateway into the world of Excel and its importance in the business world. The session focused on the following points
a. Importance of MS Excel
b. Different applications of Excel in business.
c. How much data is produced?
d. A live demonstration of these applications
e. What are the Career Opportunities?

Date: 4th April, 2022 (5:00 - 6:00 PM)
Organizers: Crypto University
Co-ordinated By: InfoVerse and Finance Club

Key Notes: The session was a gateway into the world of blockchain and its importance in the business world. The session focused on the following points
a. What is Blockchain
b. Different applications of Blockchain in business.
c. Impact of Cryptocurrency in finance.
d. Current crypto market.cs
e. What are the Career Opportunities?